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Cope With A Failing Software Project

Failing Software Project

We all to realize we're on a failing software project. What you do then will have a bigger impact on your health than your reputation.

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We all hate that sinking feeling when we realize we’re on a failing software project. 

What you do then will have a bigger impact on your health than your reputation.

Earlier in my career, I would try to avoid blame as my number one priority. As I got more experienced, I saw the folly of this and realized I needed to follow through with my best work.

How we deal with tough times says more to others than how we behave when things are going smoothly. In this episode I share the story of two clients I worked with that had failing projects.

Sadly – I’ve been on more failed projects than successful ones, but I felt these two might help you think about how you cope with this situation.

Remember just because a project fails – it doesn’t mean YOU are a failure. It’s OK to accept circumstances, accept your limitations – and do what you can.

Your family, relationships, and health will thank you for it!


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About the Healthy Software Developer show.

On the show, Jayme shares all of his teamwork and leadership strategies, guidelines for healthy company culture, and stories about real projects so you can have a sustainable career in the software industry.

Develop a mindset and habits to keep you calm so you still love writing code - avoiding the traps most developers fall into.

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Jayme Edwards

A family man and veteran of over 30 software projects, Jayme experienced many wins and losses that led him to helping developers succeed in their careers online.